Kaua’ibots In The Community

In Hawaiian, ‘Kuleana’ means responsibility. Our Kaua’ibots has a responsibility to the community who supports our endeavors. Since our team was founded in 2007, the team dynamic has changed significantly. Our first few years were focused primarily on creating a sustainable team for the island. After every competition, our team members return home with more excitement and enthusiasm than they had at the beginning. Now, we have shifted our focus from building a team to giving back to our community and opening up opportunities for all students to participate in robotics.

Find out more about our presence in the community below:

Kaua’ibots Outreach Facility

The Kaua’ibots have been fortunate enough to have access to an outlet in our local mall where we can host team meetings, promote our team, and practice driving our robot.

Supporting Robotics at Kawaikini Public Charter SchoolScreen Shot 2014-07-29 at 12.00.16 PM

Kaua’ibots team member Deanna Sloger (Island School ’15) and her father Tom Sloger helped inspire some middle school students at Kawaikini School to build their own VEX robot.

Marching In The Parade

The Kaua’ibots and our robot the “Thunderchicken” can be seen marching in various parades around the island throughout the year. Recently the team was invited by the Poipu Rotary Club, one of our sponsors, to march with their members during the Koloa Plantation Day Parade. These showings are a great opportunity for our team to show the community what we do and get kids excited about robotics.

Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 11.50.08 AMRobot Workshops For Kids

Our team is always doing something to promote our team around the island, but our main goal with our  outreach efforts is to inspire younger students to become part of a robotics team at their school. We aspire to have ongoing opportunities for our Kaua’ibots team members to mentor younger students through robot workshops.

Here is a flyer from one of our past programs:

Robot Workshops for Kids (grades 3 – 8)

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Thank You Dinner For Sponsors and Mentors

Every year, after our season is over, we invite all of our sponsors and community supporters to our workshop to see what we’ve created. We also host a barbecue dinner for them.